Fire, Fireplace Fireplace, Light, Crackling Roar, Close Distant, Intermittent, Bird, Calls, Fire, BurnFormat
1,340 clips
Fire, Fireplace Fireplace, Light, Crackling Roar, Close Distant, Intermittent, Bird, Calls, Fire, BurnFormat
WAV, MP301:00
Impacts Crashes, Wood, Dry, Wood Cracking, Breaking, Dry, Wood, Creaky, Intermittent, Stress, PopsFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Medium, Crash, Metallic, Crash, Clunky, Armor, Impact, High, Intermittent, Belllikedings, Close, PerspectiveFormat
WAV, MP301:01
WAV, MP3Tags
Restaurant, Busy, Crowd, General, Conversation Dining, Area, Intermittent, Dishes, Clanking, Medium, PerspectiveFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Vehicle, Construction, John, Deere, 50, Idling, Rocks, Loaded Bucket Hand, Intermittent, VoicesFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Continuous, Low, Frequency, Rumble, Continuous, Rumble, Heat Burning, Fire Light, Crackle, Intermittent, Close, Perspective, Fire, BurnFormat
WAV, MP300:10
Impacts Crashes, Wood, Dry, Wood Cracking, Breaking, Dry, Wood, Intermittent, Creaks, Steady, Stress EndFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Dog, Mixed, Breedadults, Growls, Extended, Growls, Intermittent, Panting, Chain, Movement Tail, Close, PerspectiveFormat
WAV, MP300:51
Crowd, Children, Yelling Four, Year, Olds, Yelling Banging, Metal, Cans, Intermittent, Short, ShoutsFormat
WAV, MP300:49
Machines, Construction Factory, Pneumatic, Hammer, Intermittent, Steady, Paced, Hammering, Onto, Metal, Surface, Motor, BackgroundFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Medium, Crowd, Excited, Walla, Intermittent, Reactions, Cheer, Clap, Excited, Surprised, Amazed, Positive Crowds, Cheering Medium Indoor Crowds, Applauding, Clapping Crowds, Walla, Chatter, Idle Crowd SoundsFormat
WAV, MP300:33
Animal, Bumble, Bee, Close Buzzing, From, Flower, Flower, Low, Level, Ambient, Rumble, Distant, Intermittent, Birds, BackgroundFormat
WAV, MP302:33
Cars, 1998, Chrysler, Sebring, Windshield, Wipers, Interior, Intermittent, Slow, Fast, Slow, Intermittent, Off, 25l, V6, Automatic, ConvertibleFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Marsh, Ambience Bed, High-pitched, Insect, Hum, Medium, Close, Perspective, Light, Chorus, Frogs, Distant, Perspective, Intermittent, Exotic, Bird, Calls, Close, PerspectiveFormat
WAV, MP3Tags
Race Car, Taylorcraft, Circles, High, Clattering, Engine, Idles, Intermittent, Bursts, Speed, Audible, Hissing, Vents Close, Range, Medium, Perspective, Prop, PlaneFormat
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